Plants vs Zombies: Dinosaur Comic: Dinosaurs Requiem
Dinosaur Requiem
Tall-nut breaks his promise and misses Wall-nut's sports day, so Wall-nut decides to run away from home out of anger. At the end of a cave, he accidentally discovers a paradise, whereby some long-lost dinosaurs live in.
Here, Wall-nut makes two new friends quickly - Barley the Corythosaurus and Rye the Parasaurolophus. But these two good friends also have their own troubles. It turns out that the tribes of Corythosaurus and Parasaurolophus are not on good terms, so Barley and Rye are forbidden from meeting each other and their friendship is in jeopardy. So they both decide to seek help from Erlikosaurus to look for the wishing grass to resolve the resentment between the two tribes. As things progress, more and more clues appear one by one, Tall-nut finally come here to look for his missing brother Wall-nut.
How can the resentment between the two tribes of dinosaurs be resolved? Can Barley and Rye be friends again? Can the family relationship between Wall-nut and Tall-nut be restored?
Let's read on the book and discover the dinosaur world together with the Plants and dinosaurs!
RM17.50 RM16.63
1 in stock
UPH Publishing 联营出版社
Printing 印刷
Color 彩色
Number of Pages 页数
0.250 KG
21 × 15 cm
联营出版 United Publishing House
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